

General thesis guidelines

“historische” Richtlinien für Abschlussarbeiten der Gruppe von Prof. Fuhr - to a large extent still applicable for us as well

Liste zugelassener Hilfsmittel - applicable to Bachelor/Master theses at “Fachgebiet Formale Methoden der Informatik”

Some development guidelines

The following are slogans from Agile philosophy. Not all of them should be followed slavishly, but there is certain truth to them. Maybe google for them and read a bit.

Commit messages should be informative (instead of “updated Types.hs”, rather “added a tree datatype”).

Use spaces instead of tabs. (Configure your editor accordingly.)

To prevent incompatibilities in different operating systems, do not use filenames that contain spaces or underscores or Umlauts. Also, no two filenames that differ only via capitalization.

In Haskell specifically:

Generally, when structuring your codebase, think about (and if necessary, first google for) “cohesion and (loose) coupling”.

For test suites, always consider writing also negative test cases.

More general Agile concepts

You may also want to read up on some other notions and techniques from Agile software engineering. Such as:

About reporting problems while working on code

Always in this way:

Also, whenever possible, provide an SSCCE.

About Git and GitHub use

On writing the actual thesis

On Slack use

Updates to this readme

Take a look at from time to time.